Project co-financed by the European Union as part of the „Fast Track” call for SMEs – competition for projects carried out in less developed regions.
HECA SP. Z O.O. conducts the project:
„Developing a line of innovative wakeskate boards”
Action 1.1: R&D projects of enterprises, Sub-action 1.1.1 Industrial Research and Development carried out by enterprises from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020
Overall cost of the project: 2 538 484.56 PLN
Co-financing: 1 678 303.60 PLN
Agreement number POIR.01.01.01-00-0171/20
Intermediate body: The National Center for Research and Development (
Project Purpose and Planned Outcomes:
The subject of the project is the R&D works on the development of an innovative wakeskate board based on tested and classified board parameters, allowing to reach its best and optimal features. Manufacturers of this type of boards do not currently offer a product that would be the result of research and whose parameters would be systematized, including rocker height, weight, buoyancy, flexibility. As a result, there is no model of the board, the development of which was supported by research on behavior on the water, its technical or physical properties. The answer to the above problems will be conducting R&D works, under which a product with the following functionalities will be created: increased durability, improved buoyancy as well as other innovative features, i.e
- optimization of rocker bending,
- introduction of personalization in selection tail, nose and concave heights to the skill, level of advancement and preferences of the user,
- the ability to adjust the width of the board (top of the board)
The following R&D works are planned as part of the project:
1) Development of numerical models for hydrodynamic characteristics of boards and construction and strength model (industrial research):
- selection of important parameters affecting board performance, determining the requirements for boards.
- CFD numerical tests of hydrodynamic characteristics of boards
- strength tests of boards
- developing base structures for testing boards as part of industrial tasks
2) Experimental verification of developed numerical models (development works):
- hydrodynamic characteristics tests
- strength tests of experimental boards on a measuring track